
I’ve started up this blog in order to keep web developers at the Lab informed about World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) activities. Since the Lab is a member of the consortium, we have representation on the W3C Advisory Committee. (That’s currently me, Annette Greiner, a web developer at NERSC.) As the Lab’s rep, I can voice opinions about W3C actions, and I can nominate Lab employees to W3C working groups. The Advisory Committee votes on many W3C actions, such as the chartering of new working groups, the movement of proposed recommendations from one stage to another, and changes to the consortium’s standards development process. There are a lot of working groups and a lot of activity, so I will try to filter things to what would be of most interest to the Lab community. Your feedback is most welcome!

For those less familiar with the W3C, the consortium is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web. You can find out much more at www.w3.org.